For thousands of years, human trafficking exists across the globe. Tracing from the ancient times, slaves mostly acquired from wars and conquest. Being forced to do agricultural labors or become a servants for nobles to do household chores.

In present time we consider human trafficking as a violation of human rights in its purest form. Still, based on the video posted on the ICATE ONSE Page: INAKALA human trafficking, force labor, and sex slaves still exist, even people can see it bluntly everyday.

Corruption and Poverty are the prime cause why many people are suffering. Supposedly education is the key to success, but many students are forced to stop studying because they need find a job to earn money for them to survive. Due to lack of qualification to find a job, some women are forced to sell their bodies to earn money. There are even cases that they are forcefully abducted by traffickers for sexual exploitation.

A Nameless Daoist like me wants to give even just a fractional contribution. I maybe not able to stop the human trafficking that is happening everywhere across the globe, but by just sharing this video and spreading the awareness of the effect of human trafficking I might help anyone who is searching on google and by a chance see the blog of this Nameless Daoist to be aware what is truly happening to the victims of human trafficking.

This Daoist hope that this blog will help to spread awareness to everyone.
-Nameless Daoist


  1. See, I told you it's nice. You should've posted earlier.
    "human trafficking, force labor, and sex slaves still exist, even people can see it bluntly everyday" ouch! that's true many people often choose to remain silent about such serious crime.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Corruption and Poverty are the prime cause why many people are suffering.


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