
"Family is the fundamental unit of a society which parents and children are the pillars of it."

December 01, 2017 Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School (NNCHS) celebrates Parents Day.

"Parents Day" is a occasion similar to combination of Fathers Day and Mothers Day. This occasion was created to appreciate parents for their selfless commitment to their children and their lifelong sacrifices towards nurturing the young ones to become a mature and responsible citizens.

We should feel blessed and fortunate to have great parents who always think about their children before anything else in the world.

That day gave us a chance to show our appreciation to our beloved parents. Even the smallest gift like hugs and kisses would make them feel that all of their sacrifices for their children had paid off.

Because father is working on the farm while mother is not feeling well and have to rest, they can not attend the event. Still Nameless Daoist wants to show his appreciation for their sacrifices just give me a better life. So even just through blogging in the internet this Nameless Daoist says "Happy Parents Day!".

-Nameless Daoist Catgeza


  1. Even if they did not come, I know that they care and love you abbyl.

  2. "We should feel blessed and fortunate to have great parents who always think about their children before anything else in the world." Dad will read this hahaha ^_^ Nice, brother!

  3. They're busy but still they love you
    You're family is a blessing from our almighty father
    Treasure them as much as they treasure you
    Let's spread love ❤️


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